Learn Your Lines

“Ms. Clara! Do we have to re-memorize our lines?” my younger students will sometimes ask.

“I dunno,” I reply, “Have you memorized them to begin with?”

Cue puzzled expression. (English major jokes – they’re hilarious.)

In all seriousness, the first thing to know is that you never memorize your lines.

Let me repeat that.

You do not memorize your lines.

You learn your lines.

This distinction is important because memorizing and learning are two different operations in the brain.

To memorize, you commit the lines to memory by rote, often ignoring the context of the line. Also often ignoring the lines of the characters around you.

To learn the lines suggests that you carefully study the text and cultivate an understanding of your character, their motivations, and why they might say the words the playwright has written down. The words you are learning to say. In the right order. Exactly as written.

Yes, exactly. as. written.

And this is not an English major, or playwright’s, soapbox. The text is important and must be respected. It is the thing around which everything else is being formed – including your performance. Say the words as written.

Sure, there might be passages that start out with some rote memorization – perhaps a list of things – but even there, work to understand why your character is saying those words in that order. The playwright is probably giving you a big fat clue, you just have to the work to uncover it. And your performance will be richer for it.

Pinky swear.

Got auditions coming up this fall?

On Saturday, August 17th, I am offering a one-two punch audition prep day: The Monologue Audition Workshop in the morning and Quickshots, headshot photo sessions, in the afternoon. In a single day, get individualized coaching on your monologue and fill your toolbox with new audition tools and also get an updated headshot. Move into the new school year and audition season with confidence. Register now! Spots are limited!

Contact me to schedule your individual acting lessons (Skype lessons available for non-local students). If you live near the Louisville, Kentucky area, look into my upcoming Masterclass 4-week Series or monologue audition workshops.