Should I Major in Theatre? (Part V)

All this month we will be exploring questions, concerns, and recommendations for high school juniors and seniors looking down the runway at high school graduation and all that lies beyond.
You can read Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV, or just start here.

My World Will End if I Don’t Get Into [insert college of dreams]

Will your world end if you don’t get into the college of your dreams? It will probably feel that way for a little bit. And that’s okay. It’s okay to want big things. Sometimes we get those big things; sometimes we don’t. Your entire life as an actor is going to be that roller coaster ride.

So feel your feelings. Cry, eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, wail on a punching bag – whatever your preferred means of exorcising sadness. But I promise you:

You will be okay.

It may seem like this is a huge decision, but it is only one decision in a lifetime of many decisions. We do the best we can with the information we have at the time for each decision. This is just one.

If I could time travel and talk to eighteen year old Clara, who left that meeting in her guidance counselor’s office feeling like her world had just ended, I would tell her that no one gets to choose what is possible for you – except you. You have so much potential, so many stories to share, so much living to do. Even now, the possibilities are endless. And you are enough.

So to you, theatre kid high school junior or senior, I say:

You have so much potential,
So many stories to share,
So much living to do…
The possibilities are endless.

And you are enough.


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Need help getting your college audition package together? I offer private coaching for actors auditioning for advanced programs, such as college/university or summer programs that require an audition for admission. Contact me to schedule your sessions today.